Best Surf Spots in the Caribbean 2- Dominican Republic, Encuentro

Best Surf Spots in the Caribbean 2- Dominican Republic, Encuentro

Encuentro, about 3-4 miles east of Cabarete on the north shore of the DR. The treacherous peak at Coco Pipe is always less crowded since only experts can handle the heavy drop, barrel, get out quick sequence that the better rights demand. The whole Encuentro stretch usually gets blown-out by 10am in summer trades, yet winter can have plenty of glassy days. Never try to go left at this spot, it's tempting, believe me I know first hand, you'll get a deep barrel and you'll end up on the reef if you don't pull out in time. Not fun! Go right instead. Look out for the coral reef heads that you'll see only when the water drains out right in front of you when you're on the wave. Advanced surfers only on the outside, beginner-intermediate surfers on the inside. Have fun!
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